Introducing service


Introducing only the best deals that meet the expectations of Japanese companies
We independently scrutinise and deliberate over 500 deals received each year from more than 200 overseas partners around the world, and only introduce deals that we judge to be beneficial to Japanese companies.

Quality Overseas Projects Referral Service Process

Scrutiny of projects

We examine the projects received from our overseas partners, and we maintain close communication with them to ensure that we have all the information we need.

Formalisation of projects

When it is decided after internal meetings that a project is to be handled by us, we make a list of companies we would like to introduce them to and at the same time we request further information from our overseas partners and prepare a complete set of documents to introduce the project to Japanese companies.

Introduction of projects

We will introduce the project to the Japanese companies on our own list. If the company is interested in the project, we will provide further details of the project for their consideration.


Only the best deals are introduced.

Only carefully selected projects received from our overseas partners that are of interest to Japanese companies based on the region, industry, profit and loss, financial position, business model, characteristics and strengths of the project, are introduced.

Obtaining comprehensive information

We obtain sufficient information to enable Japanese companies to consider cross-border projects, for which information tends to be asymmetrical, and provide detailed explanations based on a well-compiled document.

Materials provided in Japanese

In principle, all materials provided by AIBJ are in Japanese, so that our client can examine the project with efficiency and ease.